Monday, July 30, 2007

July 21,vets first appointment

Took her for her first jab today,had the kids with us and they were arguing cos they wanted to walk her,but of course she had to be carried. In the vets there were 3 no 4 cats in boxes,in various stages of annoyed and a few dogs. There was a HUGE GSD,a fluffy brown thing,an overbred boxer and a very whiney staffy! Consultation went fine,she's a perfect weight,good coat and very alert(oh,yes!) Back in the wailing, sorry waiting room the kids were getting bored and fighting over the only item of child entertainment,a magnetic sketch thingy and I'd had enough by now,Helen and I were starving with the promise of a burger in town in our thoughts. Helen had had a long shift at work with new shoes which by now she could have happily thrown up the nearest tree! At home we collapsed on the couch and opened our Puppy Pack the vets gave us. Inside were leaflets galore,some Frontline and 6 weeks free insurance,not to mention a bag of Hill's Science food stuff.Poor Lady was knackered after her busy day(All that fussing is hard work Dad!) and has spent most of the night asleep.Whenever she woke up she was put outside to do the rear end shuffle but its been raining all night so the towel's had some use! Anyway its late now,lights are out and I'm hitting the sack,no doubt to be woken at 5 or 6 by a desperate-to-go pup!

1 comment:

Brian Shone said...

A bit like our GSD but much smaller and kinder looking. She would rip the knickers of an iron horse with no fear. She is our lady also. She doen't need testosterone